Like electronics and computers? Destruction? Interesting projects? Or maybe you’ve just come for some useful tips tricks and tutorials. This channel has all of that and more! Subscribe and enjoy!

Christmas Light Repair 2015

Emergency Christmas Lights Repair

A small battery-op Christmas light set on the blink — or rather, not working.

Quick and easy fix!

DVD Drive Teardown

DVD Drive Teardown

It’s just a super quick teardown of a generic DVD drive.


Custom Expansion Bay Adapter

Custom Expansion Bay Adapter



Using a USB card reader every time I want to transfer files is annoying. Let’s shove a card reader into my PC with some cardboard!

My PC case only has 5.25in bays, and I have only 3.5in card readers. Instead of buying an adapter, I just make one with cardboard. It sure looks good!

TI-55 Calculator

TI-55 Calculator Battery Replacement


How I made my TI-55 calculator work. THE THING HAS AN LED BUBBLE DISPLAY.

Want to breath new life into an old calculator? The TI-55 was one of the best in the line of scientific calculators with statistical capabilities back in the 70’s.

The TI-55 has an LED-stick using LED chips mounted and bonded to the printed circuit board, and has some 12-digits instead of the 9-digits of other calculators from the same time period.

The TI-55 calculator used a rechargeable battery pack rather than using a 9V battery, so when the rechargeable no longer worked, your battery was dead. However, the voltage and current used in the rechargeable works out to be still, 9V capable, so this video shows how one can easily adapt the TI-55 for use with a standard 9V battery.

HP 97 Calculator Restore

HP 97 Calculator Restore

Look an HP 97 Calculator! A what? Batteries are shot and the internals are a bit wonk, I fix the inside, make it look great on the outside, and power it up! Then promptly set it on a shelf again. Sorry HP 97 Calculator.


Dell AT-101W "Big Foot" Keyboard Cleaning

Dell AT-101W “Big Foot” Keyboard Cleaning

Cleaning out my first mechanical keyboard! Picked it up for dirt cheap! A Dell AT-101W, or “Big Foot”
This is a very old video.


Medical Grade OpticalIsolator

Medical Grade Optical Isolator

Tale of a thrift journey finding some interesting medical equipment, and a teardown of a medical grade opto-iso. Made in Canada!

Old Phones

Any Scrappable Parts in Old Phones?


Are there any parts in old land line to even slightly “modern” cordless land line phones worth salvaging? Let’s take the scientific approach and tear down a bunch of phones to find out!


555 Toy Organ

Fun With 555 Toy Organ Circuit

Just messing around with a 556 (two 555 timers in one) to make a crude synth. Rather old video.

SR600 Cash Register

Glory SR600 Cash Register Teardown

Glory SR600 Cash Register. Was gonna just show it off, but it doesn’t work, so teardown!